Thursday, July 30, 2009

Last have left...

So Brazil left at 1203 right before lunch, and then every body else Sweden, Norway, Swizerland, Thailand, Mexico, Hong Kong, Canada and Argentina.. And the camp is empty.. Only staff, two JC's, people that are cleaning the school and echo... only this time it is not because of the kids and it is very depressing.

Feels like a part of us was taken way...

We love you guys, it has been incredible mounth... And you made it this way..

Thank you!

Rina, Sturla, MOrten, Elin and Justas


  1. Thank you Vannvittig Village: the staff, the leaders, the JCs for giving our kids this special special time in their lives. Special shout out to Justas for the wonderful blog, the updates, the pictures, for indulging all our requests for more...:) I hope you keep the blog up so the kids can look through and make comments themselves when they get home. Counting down the hours (5 hours, 8 minutes) until Beatriz and the USA delegation touch down in NY. Love and peace, Monica

  2. I has been a pleasure for me to do this blog. Did not feel like a real responsibilty. Lovely if you liked it :) that makes me happy

  3. Hi Justas!

    Thank you so much! Reading through and seeing the last part was kinda sad, but they are all part of this wonderful experience all of you will never forget.

    If you don't mind, i have posted a picture from your blog in my facebook acct, giving credits to your site. I just wanted to let other people know about CISV and the way it builds global friendship!

    I agree with Monica, please keep this blog for the kids to enjoy.

    Thank you so much! Good luck....til next time. :)

    Amalyn Capotosto
    Mom of Tofu, Philippines
